Good Morning,
Every day it seems like new diet advice is splashed across headlines, often contradicting stuff we read the day before. For those of us who are in the longevity game, we know that what we eat can have a massive influence on how long and how happily we live. The question is what should we really believe?
Today we’ll cut through the noise, and you’ll learn how many years you can add by watching what you eat, discover the best and worst things we’re doing when we choose our foods, and explore some of the most important, scientifically validated guidance we have on topics like Omega 3 and the famed Mediterranean diet. So grab a healthy snack, relax, and read on.
Let’s take a bite …
How we can add a decade to our lifespan by watching what we eat? (Everyday Health)
Valter Longo’s seminal study shows how men can add 13 years and women 11 years to their lifespan by following some specific diet guidelines.
By looking at some of the most popular types of diet, from ketogenic to low-calorie, as well as how and when we eat, the article provides some key takeaways on what works, and what’s just the usual pseudo-scientific hype.
Even for those just beginning to address their longevity, and over 60 years old, these tips could still add another 8 years…
The five pillars of the longevity diet (CNBC)
It’s no surprise that the typical Western diet is unlikely to help people live to 90 years or longer.
In this summary of research on so-called “blue zones” which have high numbers of centenarians, there are 5 important ingredients to add to our diets to help us live longer – grains, greens, tubers, nuts and greens. In fact, not only does this lead to better health, but far lower healthcare spending as well.
There are some easy recipes included which incorporate all these ideas, making this a very practical read…
What are the top 10 mistakes people make when eating for a long life? (FOX)
When the renowned longevity and neurology expert Dr. Brett Osborn looked at the errors we make when we choose what to eat, he found that as much as 80% of our life expectancy today is down to diet.
From eating too much sugar, to piling up huge portions of food, or not eating enough protein, here are the top 10 things to avoid when planning your diet for longevity.
For those following more extreme diet plans, this article could be an eye opener, as there is strong evidence these can be extremely damaging.
In today’s digest, we’ve peeled back layers of dietary headlines to reveal the truths about longevity and nutrition. The connection between our plate and our life’s length has never been clearer.
We’ll be looking at more diet and lifestyle tips in next Friday’s edition, covering subjects like the famed Japanese diet, foods which strengthen heart, bones and mind, and checking out the difference between vegetarian, vegan and meat based meal plans.
Bon appétit.
The Longr Reads Team.
“Ageing is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength”
Betty Friedan, Writer and Activist