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The Longevity Investor Report

Today’s edition includes exclusive, limited-time free access to The Longevity Investor Report, providing you with a complete sector breakdown focussed on the 10 key investment areas. This report provides inside access to central notions, and companies, that professional longevity investors are weighing up. By 2030, the 'baby boomers' will mark a pivotal economic milestone in the longevity market, with projections suggesting an upswing from $8.7trn in 2020 to a staggering $15trn. As investments in this sector burgeon, touching impressive figures like $5.2 billion in 2022, we spotlight pioneering endeavors. We also hear from Financial Analyst, Oliver Camponovo, on the resilience and potential for the sector. Today you’ll discover everything you need to know about the burgeoning longevity investment market. 
Articles showcasing growth in longevity investment sectors.
Investing in Longevity: Financial Strategies for a Longer Life.

Good Morning,

Good morning,

Welcome to this special edition on the longevity investment landscape.

Today’s edition includes exclusive, limited-time free access to The Longevity Investor Report, providing you with a complete sector breakdown focussed on the 10 key investment areas. This report provides inside access to central notions, and companies, that professional longevity investors are weighing up.


This exclusive first edition has a complete sector breakdown, and an introduction to some of the key things professional longevity investors are looking at.

We’re demystifying the sector, and providing inside access to the most promising companies.


By 2030, the ‘baby boomers’ will mark a pivotal economic milestone in the longevity market, with projections suggesting an upswing from $8.7trn in 2020 to a staggering $15trn. As investments in this sector burgeon, touching impressive figures like $5.2 billion in 2022, we spotlight pioneering endeavors. We also hear from Financial Analyst, Oliver Camponovo, on the resilience and potential for the sector. Today you’ll discover everything you need to know about the burgeoning longevity investment market. 

Venture forth…

A Pivotal Moment for the Longevity Investment Market  (Axa Investment Management)

By 2030, the longevity economy will hit a defining moment as the last of the ‘baby boomers’ celebrate their 65th birthdays. Though they constitute 22% of the US population, their economic weight is hefty, controlling a staggering 53% of its wealth. With global spending by the over-65 demographic predicted to rise from $8.7trn in 2020 to a massive $15trn in 2030, the longevity sector emerges as a golden investment opportunity.

Beyond the immediate wellness and treatment sectors, there lies a burgeoning opportunity in enhancing access to these advanced healthcare solutions, ensuring they reach the wider population. Moreover, education emerges as a pivotal investment avenue, equipping individuals with knowledge about longevity care and its benefits. As we approach the 2030 milestone, investors would be wise to tap into the vast potential of this aging yet affluent demographic.

Longevity Investments Continue To Soar (AgeTech)

Global investments in the longevity sector continue to impress, reaching $5.2 billion across 130 deals in 2022. Demonstrating significant resilience, this sector’s growth has outpaced both the biotech and fintech sectors. A highlight was Jeff Bezos’ substantial $3bn investment in Altos Labs, a company at the forefront of cellular reprogramming. Moreover, even though 2021 was a standout year for longevity investments, 2022’s figures still marked a 77% increase from 2020’s totals. 

The industry’s momentum is evident, with the US spearheading in longevity investments in terms of volume, deal numbers, and sizes. Key industry segments include longevity discovery platforms, longevity drugs, renewal therapies, and gene therapies. With the stage set, experts are optimistic about even more significant advances and investments in the longevity sector for 2023.

Why is the Longevity Investment Market Due to Explode? (Medium)

In the evolving landscape of investments, a rising trend highlights the allure of longevity investments. Financial Analyst, Oliver Camponovo, sheds light on this growing inclination, pinning it to the world’s aging population. As people globally enjoy longer and healthier lives, thanks to healthcare and tech advancements, there’s a burgeoning market tailored for the elderly. This demographic shift isn’t merely about numbers; it also signifies the potential economic and societal boons an older population brings.

Companies in healthcare, tech, and finance seem primed to reap these benefits. However, Camponovo also touches upon hurdles, like the need for clearer metrics and broader understanding. The bottom line? Longevity investments offer dual rewards: solid returns and societal impact. For savvy investors, keeping an eye on this niche might just be the golden ticket.

As we wrap up this week’s deep dive into the burgeoning realm of longevity investments, a few key takeaways rise to the surface.

The Longevity Investor Report offers a deep insight into the sector’s potential, providing inside access to the most promising companies and considerations of investment managers in the space, focussed on 10 key investment areas. In the market, the approaching 2030 milestone for baby boomers beckons a seismic shift in the market’s trajectory. Billions continue to pour into pioneering ventures and a world increasingly aware of the boons an aging population brings, the longevity market is a nexus of opportunity and impact.

In the intricate ballet of demographics and investments, may we continue to pursue clarity, foresight, and transformative potential. Here’s to charting waters rich in promise and prosperity.

Here’s to the destination,

The Longr Reads Team.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.”

Albert Einstein, Physicist

Longr Reads’ of the Week

  • The Advent Of Longevity Technology – From A Movement Into An Industry (Forbes)
  • Peter Attia Special episode: Longevity, supplements, protein, fasting, apoB, statins, & more (Youtube)
  • The future of the $1.5 trillion wellness market (McKinsey)
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